工程家园's Archiver

丢丢 发表于 2006-9-16 11:56


好久没人来这个版块发贴了 我来写点东西给大家  看看有没有用 只是我要一个一个字的往里面敲 哎~~ 呵呵

"四有"新人 new generation of people with lofty ideal, moral integrity, good education and a strong sense of discipline

爱国民主人士 patriotic democratic personage

白皮书white paper

保障有力  to be assured of adequate logistical support

本着相互尊重,平等相待,求同存异的精神to act in a spirit of mutual respect, equality and seeking common ground while shelving differences

边远贫困地区outlying poverty-stricken area

不记名投票 secret ballot

部长级会晤ministerial contact

采取切实有效的措施 to take concrete and effective measures

邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory

电话会议conference call/ teleconference

独立,自由,民主,统一和富强的新中国 an Independent, free, democratic, unified, rich and powerful new China

改革开放和现代化建设opening-up and modernization drive

干涉内政 intervention in domestic affair

公益活动public benefit activity

国际反恐斗争international anti-terror campaign

国际领域international realm

坚持一个中国的信念 daherence to the One China policy

经受了严峻的考验to have witnessed many severe tests

跨越式发展great-leap-forward development / develop by stride

以上是二十个政治方面的常见用语 今天先发这些 下次有时间再给大家补充点经济的 生活类的 希望能用得上

丢丢 发表于 2006-9-16 11:57

对了 我敲完了没仔细看 如果有错误 大家给我指下 谢谢啦 嘿嘿

兔子窝边草 发表于 2006-9-17 08:33



丢丢 发表于 2006-9-18 11:42

应该能的 好好学

丢丢 发表于 2006-9-18 11:58



暗箱操作black case work

保持经济适度快速增长to maintain an appropriate rapid economic growth

保护性关税protective duty/tariff

报关to apply to customs

爆发户new rich; nouveau riche; jumped-up people

财政收支基本平衡a basic balance between revenue and expenditures

超前消费pre-mature consumption; over consuming; excessive consumption; spend beyond one's means

筹集资金to raise fund

出口创汇能力capacity to earn foreign exchange through export

电子转帐wire transfer

独家销售代理the sole sales agent

拉动经济增长to fuel economic growth

买一送一tow-for-one offer; to buy one get one free

贸易逆差adverse trade balance; trade deficit; trade gap

贸易顺差favorable/active trade balance; trade surplus

批发市场wholesale market

企业所得税corporate income tax

启动基金initial funding

商业网点commodity network

社会福利彩票social welfare lottery

社会主义市场经济socialist market economy

今天先这些 明天再来

porthos 发表于 2006-9-19 09:03


丢丢 发表于 2006-9-19 11:54

礼仪 习俗

八卦the Eight Diagrams

八字horoscope;eight character about one's birth

拜年to pay New Year calls

传统庆祝仪式a traditional celebratory ritual

辞旧迎新to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; to ring out the old year and ring in the new

对联antithetical couplet(written on scrolls)


欢送会farewell party

敬酒to toast to one's long life

礼服,制服full dress uniform

年货food and articles of use during the new year season

年夜饭New Year's Eve family dinner

阳历Gregorian calendar

阴历lunar calendar

感谢信an appreciative letter


寿星person whose birthday is celebrated

压岁钱New Year gift money for children(as token wish for a good year)



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