公司有关信息,欢迎各位同学登陆公司主页:[url=http://www.ethos.com.cn/]www.ethos.com.cn[/url] 进行相应了解。
[font=宋体][color=black][size=10.5pt]宇思信德科技(北京)有限公司(Ethos Technologies)——全球化软件开发和IT服务提供商。公司以欧洲为业务中心,以北京为主要研发机构,并在多个国家拥有公司或办事处。通过公司在欧洲10多年的积累,尤其是近几年的迅速发展,公司已从中国众多的软件企业里脱颖而出,成为欧洲市场的领先的IT服务供应商,为近百家覆盖金融、电子、能源、传媒、教育与零售等行业,来自于十多个国家的企业提供服务,年营业额正在以百万美元为单位递增。[/size][/color][/font]
[color=black][font=宋体][size=10.5pt]我们根据当今世界IT行业的特点,利用现代最发达的通讯手段和软件,创造性的发明了AGDM(Agile Global Deliver Model)的项目管理和开发方法,使公司可以在一个平台下为多个国家的客户提供迅速高效的服务。这种先进的管理方法使中国的软件公司在针对欧洲的IT服务外包领域中有机会与印度、爱尔兰等国家的领先的服务提供商进行竞争,并后来居上。而实际上,我们也正在用高质量的服务证明这一点。[/size][/font][/color]
[font=宋体]在[/font][font=Times New Roman]Ethos[/font][font=宋体]迅速发展的过程中,我们诚邀[/font][font=Times New Roman]2008[/font][font=宋体]届计算机相关专业的研究生、本科生加盟[/font][font=Times New Roman]Ethos[/font][font=宋体],共同为全球市场提供优质的[/font][font=Times New Roman]IT[/font][font=宋体]服务。[/font]
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[font=宋体][size=10.5pt]◆[/size][/font][font=Times New Roman]
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[font=宋体]◆[/font][size=10.5pt][font=Times New Roman] [/font][/size][font=宋体]应届毕业生招聘流程:[/font]
[email=campus@ethos.com.cn][color=#0000ff]campus@ethos.com.cn[/color][/email] [/font]
[font=宋体]宣讲会结束第二天,将在宣讲学校集中安排笔试。具体地点我们会通过简历中联系方式以电话或短信方式通知您(未能覆盖地城市视具体情况另行安排)。[/font][font=宋体][size=10.5pt]笔试时请携带答题笔、身份证[/size][/font][size=10.5pt][font=Times New Roman]/[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=10.5pt]学生证、一寸近期免冠彩色照片一张。[/size][/font][size=10.5pt][/size]
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Ethos is a global software service provider offering onshore/offshore project management capabilities backed by top China-based technical talent.
Established in early 2005
Founded by 1 European, 1 Asian-American, and 1 Chinese
2 locations—Headquartered in Beijing with a subsidiary in Oslo
Registered in Singapore
Specializing in .NET and Java application development
Currently running projects spanning 4 continents.
With combined decades of software and outsourcing experience behind us, Ethos knows that the impact of culture and language are critical when it comes to understanding our customers.
Ethos has assembled a team of employees from Europe, US, and Asia who not only bring a broad range of technologies and expertise but more importantly understand your goals right off the back.
In 2005, three partners came together with a vision: to build a company in China founded on strong Western principles and committed to delivering excellent services in software development. The foundation of their union was based on a willingness to be held accountable by one another, an obligation to be true to their customers, and a desire to never compromise when it came to doing the right thing. The name Ethos was chosen to seal this agreement.
Since then, Ethos as a company, has been focused on providing the best possible service through its three centers of excellence:
There is no substitute for having the right team for the job. We could say ‘we hired only the best’ but the best of what?
We measure our candidates by two criteria:
how they work in teams
how well they know the critical technologies
This means we look beyond the typical standards in China: whether or not a candidate went to the top university and how well they scored on a standardized English exam. Instead, our Western project managers conduct the interviews in English.
We believe that our company is not just about creating the perfect final product for the client, but it is also about being part of the client’s team. It is not “what can we do for you”. It is “what can we do for us”.
Outsourcing is evolving. Outsourcing to China is still in its groundbreaking stage. To overcome the uncertainties of offshore development, Ethos has put together its own unique methodology. It allows for rigid project management within flexible development modules. Doing so allows customers to enjoy both proper expectation setting and ability to incorporate changes where necessary. For more information, please see How We Deliver.
Ethos emphasizes training for two main reasons:
to keep abreast of the latest technologies
to motivate and challenge our employees
Internally, we have a well structured mentor and mentee program whereby each employee, from day 1, sets quarterly goals and works with his/her mentor to ensure that those targets are met. An employee is considered ‘successfully trained’, once he/she has the capability to train other Ethos peers. Externally, employees are encouraged to attend conferences and training seminars, and are rewarded through the achievement of software certifications
[[i] 本帖最后由 ethos 于 2007-12-21 20:08 编辑 [/i]]