高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:19
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:28
著名插画师Daniel Conway,22,英国纽卡斯尔人,毕业于Dundee大学.
Daniel Conway从记事起就对绘画有着浓厚的兴趣,并且所有的艺术技能完全自学.Daniel Conway用PS和Paiter创作,和传统的设计师不同的是他极少用layers和custom brushes而是在作画时一直着色直到达到自己理想的结果为止.作为一位年轻的偶像级设计师,在接受DA一次访谈中他曾提到:"There are a thousand ways to paint any one thing, do not simply rely on someone else s technique. Instead discover your own personal techniques and soon you will find that you are also developing your own style that people will soon recognize to be unique to you."或许值得我们思考. [align=center][img]http://www.uitimes.com/img/up/della@2006114221356.jpg[/img][/align]
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:29
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:33
法国艺术家Melanie Delon CG作品欣赏
[align=center]网址: [color=#800080]http://www.eskarina-circus.com[/color][/align][align=center][img]http://www.uitimes.com/img/up/della@20061025211901.jpg[/img][/align]
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:36
匈牙利艺术家Kornel Ravadits,1969年生于布达佩斯,1995年开始自由艺术设计,主要从事图像设计,游戏和影视后期等。作为一位才华出众的设计师,Kornél Ravadits喜爱尝试多种设计风格.在众多比赛中有不俗表现,比如CGTalk的Choice Award大奖。
值得一提的是经典人物设计playing card,正反的对比可以感受到两个世界截然不同的气息...
网站:[color=#800080]http://www.graphitelight.hu[/color] [align=center][img]http://www.uitimes.com/img/up/della@20061018172658.jpg[/img][/align]
[align=center][table=98%][tr][td]灵魂鲜活的Kornél Ravadits CG作品[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td][img=23,17]http://www.uitimes.com/images/page.gif[/img][b][color=#ff6204]1[/color][/b] [color=#800080]2[/color] [color=#0000ff]3[/color] [color=#0000ff]4[/color] [color=#0000ff]5[/color] [color=#800080]>>[/color][/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td][来源] UITimes.com [作者] aki [发表时间] 2006年10月18日17:24[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td] 匈牙利艺术家Kornel Ravadits,1969年生于布达佩斯,1995年开始自由艺术设计,主要从事图像设计,游戏和影视后期等。作为一位才华出众的设计师,Kornél Ravadits喜爱尝试多种设计风格.在众多比赛中有不俗表现,比如CGTalk的Choice Award大奖。
值得一提的是经典人物设计playing card,正反的对比可以感受到两个世界截然不同的气息...
[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr][/table][/align][align=center][table=98%][tr][td]灵魂鲜活的Kornél Ravadits CG作品[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td][img=23,17]http://www.uitimes.com/images/page.gif[/img][color=#800080]<<[/color] [color=#800080]1[/color] [b][color=#ff6204]2[/color][/b] [color=#800080]3[/color] [color=#0000ff]4[/color] [color=#0000ff]5[/color] [color=#800080]>>[/color][/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td][来源] UITimes.com [作者] aki [发表时间] 2006年10月18日17:24[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:38
来自法国波尔多城的Olivier Ponsonnet,业余爱好三维创作,他的作品很多都是美女头像,其中Moon Key(第一幅) 获得3dm3第三次CG美女大赛第三名,而他完全通过书本和网络自学创作。个人网站:[color=#0000ff]http://re1v.free.fr/[/color][align=center][img]http://www.uitimes.com/img/up/della@2006914213409.jpg[/img][/align]
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:38
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:42
[table=98%][tr][td][align=center]来自土耳其大师Kerem Beyit的超精美CG作品[/align]
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高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:44
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:46
[table=98%][tr][td][align=center]西班牙著名CG艺术家 Juan Siquier 善于生动的场景环境创作,作品深受大家熟悉和喜爱。[/align]
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高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:48
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:52
三维图象及游戏人物设计代表李素雅小姐被誉为韩国CG天后,同样在国内业界影响深远,以下选自其网站[color=#800080]http://www.soanala.com/[/color] myth系列作品,画面唯美,意境颇丰
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 15:57
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 16:19
[img=485,155]http://www.soanala.com/zboard/data2/soagal_a3_eng/csoa_Redyan0809.jpg[/img]Blind girl with blue eyes. Although she cannot see, a world that only she can see unfolds in her transparent eyes. Drawing while closing up on the face during the process of character creation appears to have become my hobby. Since I enjoy drawing face, I enjoyed the work while drawing this. I tried to express rich feeling by emphasizing the middle tone of the skin. This is more girly image than the original image of Redyan.
[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td][img=450,195]http://www.soanala.com/zboard/data2/soagal_a3_eng/csoa_Redyan0805a.jpg[/img]In fact, conducting nude with 3D is not an easy task. One of the foremost advantage of 3D is the autonomy of texture and ornaments (even complex texture or ornament can be expressed accurately, and they can even become animation!). When they form harmony in an elegant manner, the character inside the 3D shines. However, there is only ‘body’ within the nude. In order to induce sentiment that can substitute elegant cloth only with a body alone, there should something besides well done modeling and lighting. That something...
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 16:25
[table=80%][tr][td]Rabellu [/td][/tr][/table][table=80%][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table][table=80%][tr][td][table=98%][tr][td][img=681,700]http://www.soanala.com/zboard/data2/soagal_a3_eng/soa_Rabellu1104.jpg[/img]
Now, I do not have tears.
I will not forgive you humans
who were not tolerant to me at all.
[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td][img=155,210]http://www.soanala.com/zboard/data2/soagal_a3_eng/sketch05.jpg[/img]Whenever my knife penetrates slowly into your heart,
you will regret this very moment,
seeing the red blood pouring out of your heart
Among the Rabellu story-([url]www.projecta3.com[/url])
[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td][img=265,400]http://www.soanala.com/zboard/data2/soagal_a3_eng/csoa_Rabellu1117.jpg[/img]Rabellu’s ceramic-like cold look and her doll-like, square external appearance embrace her cold personality.
However, it is true that I did not know much about her at the beginning. I merely thought that her designated role is that of the representative of 'evilness', but I could not think that there is something else beyond that. However, while listening to the story pertaining to the legend of A3, her facial look became more diverse and deeper. However, regretfully, the drawing was not able to capture her look sufficiently.
Surely, she must not look only as a beautiful doll. I wonder whether her diverse looks can be drawn later on.
[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table][table=80%][tr][td][table][tr][td][b]Rabellu[/b] 2002 Digital (3DSMax, Photoshop)
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 16:27
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 16:31
[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td][img=315,460]http://www.soanala.com/zboard/data2/soagal_a3_eng/csoa2003_05Redyan0515_wings_of_healing.jpg[/img] This picture depicts Reydian wetting Billmade’s lips with the holy water of life to alive him who broken down with serious injury from battle.
In the novel of A3, this scene was described as young Redyan brings dying Billmade to live with herb medicine. Redyan in this picture is adult woman with wings, I think the salvation for dying people may be as like as the hands angel...So I was very hope to make frame be a more antique style, therefore it gives still regrets.
While cropping image, sometimes it feels daring crop made more good feeling. As same for, there’s time of making more concentrating and stylish figure with removing burdensome.
But, because I have tenacity and stupidity in all working processes I have not cropped resolutely yet. It is well if I focus on my picture with objective view point and daring decision by abolishing those completely. However, so far it is also important to express as I mentioned for me and this has priority out of my works. By that time, there is no choice but to paste pieced pictures such as it is...
When the door of dawn is open,
she goes toward his bedroom
with holy water soaking with God’s respiration.
Fluttering time as like as childhood,
to purify his body and soul
smeared with wounds of war and love.
Woman, standing in blue sky of seashore with waving in the wind.
I would like to make fantastically but use realistic lighting and temperate effects while testing new renderer.
This picture was rendered by a final render. If it would be properly used, it is very helpful rendering process for producing realistic feeling. Frankly speaking, it seems that I did not choice proper model for the first trial of final render. Because so big model was used for my virgin rendering technique that I broke my way without maximum effects. After this picture the final render was disregarded from me since it felt a little complex and it was very slow contrast to its famous.
In fact, it was due to my unfamiliarity…
After all, it seems that the feeling in the first meeting may give many variables in future.
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 16:34
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 16:43
[table=80%][tr][td]Hera(scorpio) [/td][/tr][/table][table=80%][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table][table=80%][tr][td][table=98%][tr][td][img=650,210]http://www.soanala.com/zboard/data2/soagal_myth_eng/Soa_Hera_top.jpg[/img]
[table][tr][td]As usual all stories of myth , Scorpius also has many different stories. If we find a common denominator between them, that's Orin a son of Poseidon the god of the sea. he had a strong body and stood alone in strength. His haughty demeanor allways brought unexpected accidents.
I picked the story to tell about Hera's penalty for him. Hera... she was very beautiful goddess who was very proud and had a strong argument like Femme Fatal. She contained behaviour not only as a goddess but also a woman of present-modern age. She was only a powerful goddess who could contain Orin.
[table][tr][td]Haughty Orin stuck on himself, had been giving a lot of trouble claiming that nobody could kill him. Finally Hera sent him a scorpion to kill Orin beacause she was out of temper at his wild behaviour. So people born in Scorpius are calm and has a careful judgment on the contrary to Orion.
[table][tr][td]Pleasures of the Gods….
An abigail who was assisting Zeus’s party injured her feet and could no longer assist the party. She introduced other abigails, however, she did not meet the high expectations of Zeus.
One day, Apollo told Zeus about the beautiful lad from Troy. This prince was Ganiymede who was the envy of all the ladies of Troy. Zeus was so anxious to see him so he metamorphosed into an eagle to see him and mesmerized by the beauty of Ganiymede. Zeus determined to make Ganiymede his chamberlain and kidnapped him with his eagle claw.
[table][tr][td]From then, Ganiymede started to assist Zeus’s parties in place of abigails. Poor Ganiymede. Too handsome to be chosen by the God but cannot be any more unlucky.
Zeus felt sorry for him while he was pouring the wine and decided to make a constellation for him. This is known as the Acquaris. This story demonstrates bi-sexuality of the Zeus. Ganiymede is pouring white wine in the waterway of the fish figure. This is where it is connected to the Pisces.
[table][tr][td]This image of the Twins constellation describes the friendly kinship between two brothers.
Castor(left) was a prince born between the king and the queen; Pollux(right) was born between Zeus who turned into a swan and Leda who was the Spartan queen. These two brothers were not only close to each other but also resembled each other in appearance so much that many have mistaken them as twins.
There are a lot of speculations about the death of Castor.
Some stories claim that he was killed during a hunting outing while others speculate that he was murdered while fighting over a beautiful fiancée. Pollux tried to take his life upon learning the news of his brother’s death. however, his immortal body he inherited from Zeus did not allow this to happen.
Thus, he implored his father Zeus to allow him and his brother to spend half of their lives in the underground world while spending the other half in the normal world.
Zeus wanted to commemorate this beautiful kinship between the brothers and created Gemini.
[table][tr][td]This image was based on the setting when they were playing hide-and-seek with friends as kids.
They traversed over the deep woods and hid themselves among the shrubs that no one could find. As their mates turned away after failing to find them, they started singing and playing harp.
As the dusk sets in the late afternoon, their bodies start to emit shining lights and large stars appear over their heads. Angel’s wings then come out of Pollux’s back as he possesses an immortal body. This symbolizes and sheds hint on the storm accidents at the ship was to be named Argo and their destiny.
(Other myths about them reveals that they run into a dangerous situation during a storm on a trip. During this danger, the storm began to subside and clear yet serene light emitted over the brothers’ heads as Orepheus, the genius musician, started to play the harp.)
Lemon inside the basket held by the brothers are the fruits of Gemini, Iris in full blossom in front of them are the flowers of the Gemini.
[table][tr][td]As I working on this project, I have for the first time implemented a “sub surface scatter” shader (aka SSS), which is a semitransparent skin material.
SSS first came to attention during the Cgtalk to explain what SSS value was utilized on Europa. I was trying to determine what elements appeal so much that many use sss over and over again. Then I realized that it is an optimal material for light permeation.
As I was trying to find the right shader to describe the clean and clear skin, I decided this was the right one.
However, inefficient control of the options and tools, unsuccessful planning as well as difficulty expressing the curly hair caused me to spend excessive amount of time to complete the rendering. Nonetheless, I am glad to say that overall results turned out to be satisfactory for the first try.
高西 发表于 2008-2-19 16:44