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遥远的可可西里 发表于 2008-3-18 22:57

2005-03 温总理会见中外记者 双语全文



现在请温总理先讲几句话。 [10:11]





Wen: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. As you know, there are more

than 2,000 journalists from China and abroad covering the NPC and CPPCC

sessions. However, due to the limited seating capacity of this hall,

only about 700 of them are present here. I'd like to use this

opportunity to express my thanks to the journalists for their interest

in China's reform and development as well as their objective and fair

coverage of China.




的。 [10:15]

Let me also say, as a matter of fact, every person in China has great

interest in the affairs of their own country. Yesterday I logged onto

xinhuanet.com and saw hundreds of questions raised by ordinary people,

since they knew I was going to give a press conference. I was deeply

touched by their interest in national affairs. Many of their proposals

and suggestions narrowed the serious consideration of the government.


形势稍好,尤需兢慎。居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。 [10:15]

Now the session of the NPC is over, yet the road ahead could be rather

bumpy. We must be mindful of potential problems and get fully prepared

for the worst. We must be sober-mined, cautious, prudent especially

when the situation is getting a little better.



求我们这个民族不畏艰险、百折不挠、坚定信心、永远奋斗。 [10:15]

Our nation has gone through so many disasters and hardships in history

that we are now blessed with the essence of urgency, determination for

survival and aspirations for peace and development. Our country is so

big, problems so numerous and complicated. And we, as a nation, must

have courage to overcome difficulty, confidence to win and dauntless

spirit to work hard and prevail.


,我不紧张,也不害怕。 [10:16]

Today I'm here at this press conference ready to answer your questions.

I'll speak from my heart. I'm neither nervous nor afraid.





有什么特点?力度会不会进一步加大?谢谢。 [10:20]

Xinhua: Last year, you said macro-regulation was a new and severe task

for the government. It was no easier a task than fighting against SARS.

Now that a year has passed could you comment on last year's work with

regard to macro regulation? Could you speak to new features and

characteristics of macro regulation for this year? Will you intensify

the policy measures?



我们成功地避免了经济的大起大落,避免了物价的过度上涨。 [10:21]

Wen: In the past couple of years, we have been facing a battle of

contact in terms of economic development. To fight this battle, we have

combined a series of policies. We can say now these policy measurers

have achieved remarkable results.


丝毫不可松懈,摆在我们面前的形势如同逆水行舟,不进则退。 [10:22]

We have been successful in avoiding major ups and downs in the economy,

preventing excessive price hikes, keeping prices at a stable level and

maintaining steady and fairly rapid economic growth. Now we must not

slacken in our efforts in the slightest way. The situation we are

facing now is like going upstream. If we don't forge ahead, we will be

left lagging behind.





。 [10:26]

Let me put the problems we face in proper prospective. First, the

foundation for macro regulation needs to be consolidated further. We

face considerable difficulty in further raising grain output and

increasing farmers' income. In particular, because of price rises in

capital goods, it is more difficult for us to achieve these goals in

terms of increasing grain output and farmers' incomes. Moreover,

investment growth in fixed assets may pick up again. Coal, electricity,

oil and transportation are in short supply. In the first two months of

this year, power generation has increased by 12 per cent. Yet 25

provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities experienced blackouts.

In the economy, the supply chain is overstretched.



也不行,经济生活长期处于紧张阶段,难以为继。 [10:26]

Second, we are facing a series of dilemmas in our economy. For example,

a slow economic growth rate won't do, because it would make it more

difficult for us to create jobs, increase revenue, and engage in

necessary undertakings for society. Yet too fast economic growth rate

won't do either, because it may make the economy to stretched out for a

long time in an unsustainable situation.


题和体制问题。而解决这些深层次的问题需要时间。 [10:26]

Third, the problems we face in China's economy can all boil down to

structural problems, growth patterns and institutional problems. All

these deep-rooted and underlying problems will take time to be


遥远的可可西里 发表于 2008-3-18 23:34

[温家宝]:综上所述,我想明确告诉大家,摆在政府面前的第一位任务,是通过加强和改善宏观调控,继续保持经济平稳、较快发展。 [10:26]

In a word, the top priority for the government is to further streng then and improve macro regulative policy measures in order to sustain a steady and fairly rapid economic growthrate.

[温家宝]:"行百里者半九十"。绝不能半途而废,当然我们将更加注重区别对待有保有压,注重采用经济机制的调节和经济手段的调节。谢谢大家。 [10:27]

If a journey is 100 miles, travelling 90 is half of it. We must not stop and we must not waste our previous efforts. In the meantime, we must also take special attention to differentiated treatment for different situations. We must take both administrative and economic means to achieve macro regulative objectives.

[美国彭博新闻社记者]:温总理,中国经济在快速发展出现了很多社会问题,包括贫富差距,解决"三农"问题是您最大的愿望,可是有专家说,除非加强农民土地使用权或者还给农民土地产权,"三农"问题可能很难得到解决。您认为把土地产权还给农民是可能的吗?谢谢。 [10:33]

Bloomberg: A lot of social problems have cropped up in the course of rapid economic development in China, and one of them is the wealth gap. To address problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers is top on your agenda. But some people are saying unless farmers are granted the right to use land or they are transferred the ownership of the

land, it is impossible to solve the problems. Do you think it is possible to grant farmers land use rights or give them the ownership of the land?

[温家宝]:中国的改革是从农村开始的,农村的改革是从土地的经营权开始的。农民的土地是集体所有。我们在改革开始的时候就实行了家庭承包经营的基本经济制度。就是说农民拥有对土地的生产和经营的自主权,以后这个权利不断得到延长,现在我可以直接回答你:农民对土地的经营、生产自主权长期不变,也就是永远不变。 [10:33]

Wen: China's reform started in the countryside. China's rural reform started with the right to manage land by farmers. In the countryside, land is under collective ownership. In the early days of the reform and opening up, the first step we adopted in the countryside was to set up the family contract responsibility system. Farmers were given the right to manage their land, and such rights of the farmer have been extended time and again. Now I can say directly that farmers' autonomy to manage their land won't change for a long time. Actually it will never change.

[台湾年代电视台记者]:在这里有一个问题要请教温总理,就是在刚刚结束的人大会议当中,我知道以非常高的票数通过了反分裂国家法。这部法律因为是刚刚出台的,内容引起相当大的关注。不过我们个人比较关注的部分是在于这里面有相当重要的篇章是强调未来两岸的持续交流的部分。不知道国务院各机关在这部法律的架构之下,将要如何提出具体的措施,来进一步地促进两岸的持续交流?另外我们知道在国内各个城市有很多很多的台商,在这里做生意,甚至是安身立命,不晓得这个新的法律对于这些广大台商们的权益是不是会造成任何影响?甚或相反的,不是有影响,而是对他们的权益进一步—— [10:37]

ERA News from Taiwan: The just-concluded session of National People's Congress adopted the Anti-Secession Law by an overwhelming majority. The passage of the new law has been a subject of great interest to many people. People are especially interested in a section of the law which provides for continued exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

My questions are: Under the framework of the new law, what specific measures will the State Council adopt to promote the continued exchanges? Moreover, there are many business people from Taiwan living in cities on the mainland, either doing business or they have already settled down. Will this law affect their interests? If not, will the law actually turn out to be promoting and protecting their interests?

[温家宝]:我想先问你一句,你看到这部法律没有? [10:37]
Wen: Let me first ask you a question: "Have you read the law?"

[台湾年代电视台记者]:看过相关的法条。 [10:37]
ERA News: I have some knowledge of the law and I've read the explanatory notes related to the law.

[温家宝]:谢谢这位台湾记者的提问。在这里我首先要向2300万台湾同胞表示问候。 你的问题抓住了我们这个法的一个要害,就是说这个法是一个加强和推进两岸关系的法,是一部和平统一的法,而不是针对台湾人民的,也不是一部"战争法"。 [10:39]

Wen: I must thank this journalist from Taiwan for raising this question. First of all, let me send my greeting to the 23 million compatriots in Taiwan. Your question actually gets to the essence of this law. This law is meant to strengthen and promote cross-Straits relations. This is the law for the peaceful reunification, and it is not targeted against the people in Taiwan, nor is it a war bill.

[温家宝]:在这部法律明确地规定了要推进两岸人员的交往,鼓励和推进经济的合作和直接"三通",鼓励和推进教育、科技、文化等各项事业的交流。在这部法律里规定了要保护台商的利益。这部法律是遏制和反对"台独"势力。只有遏制和反对"台独"势力,台海才有和平的局势,台海的和平和稳定有利于台商到大陆的投资,也有利于外国到大陆的投资。 [10:39]

The law has clearly provided for promoting personnel exchanges, encouraging and facilitating economic co-operation, including "three direct links" between the two sides, encouraging and facilitating exchanges between the two sides in educational, scientific,
technological and cultural fields. The law has also provided for protection of the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan business people. The law is matched to check and oppose Taiwan Independence forces. Only by checking and opposing Taiwan independence forces, will peace emerge in the Taiwan Straits. Peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits will create favourable conditions for Taiwan business people to invest in the mainland and also for foreign investors to come to the mainland.

[温家宝]:你问到我采取什么措施,胡锦涛总书记在前不久就台湾问题的重要谈话已经讲到了,我们要保护台商在大陆的合法权益,只要是对台湾人民有利的事情,我们都会去做。 [10:42]

You ask for specific measures, that is, according to the recent important remarks made by Party Secretary-General Hu Jintao on the question of Taiwan, we will protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan business people in the mainland; for anything that is conducive to the people of Taiwan, we will do it.

[温家宝]:第一,尽快将海峡两岸的客运包机,由节日化转向常态化。 第二,要采取措施,解决台湾,特别是台南地区农产品到大陆的销售问题。 [10:43]

First, we should promptly make cross-Straits charter passenger flights available not only on traditional festivals, but also on a more permanent basis.

Second, we should adopt measures to address the issues related to sales of agricultural products from Taiwan, especially, southern Taiwan to the mainland.

[温家宝]:第三,要尽快地恢复和解决大陆的渔民到台湾去实行劳务输出的问题。 我们还准备出台一系列优惠的政策和方便的措施。 [10:43]

Third, we should promptly solve problems so that fishermen from the mainland can continue their contract labour services in Taiwan. There are other favourable policies and convenient measures we will adopt for this purpose.

[路透社记者]:总理先生,人民币的汇率问题一直是国际上很关心的一个问题,中国很多重要的贸易伙伴都敦促中国要采取更为灵活的人民币汇率机制,但是中国说这将是一个长期的过程。眼下你们有没有什么中意的改革计划?第一个变化会是什么? [10:46]

Reuters: The renminbi question has been the focus of world attention, with many foreign trading partners urging China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate. China has said it could be a long term process, but what reform plans do you favour now? And, when will the first change occur?

[温家宝]:中国的汇率改革是从1994年开始,到现在也没有停止。我们确立的目标是实行根据市场需求、有管理的、浮动的汇率制度。现在我们正在进一步研究改革的方案,使汇率对于市场更富有弹性。 [10:47]

Wen: China's exchange rate reform actually started in 1994 and it has not stopped even today. Our objective for the reform is to create a market-based, managed and floating exchange rate.

[温家宝]:我们现在做的事情,是为汇率改革打下坚实的基础。第一是保持宏观经济的稳定和发展。第二是保持金融的健康运行。与此同时,我们在外汇管制方面已经采取了一系列放开的措施。 [10:47]

遥远的可可西里 发表于 2008-3-18 23:34

When we consider reform plans, our purpose is to make the exchange rate more responsive to supply and demand in the market. What we have been doing is to lay a solid foundation for such reform. A number of necessary conditions would include first, macroeconomic stability and growth, and second, a healthy financial situation. In the meantime, we have already eased many of the controls on foreign exchange.

[温家宝]:至于中国汇率的改变或者说人民币的升值,究竟给中国经济、中国的企业带来什么影响,究竟给周边国家以至世界其他国家带来什么影响,争议很大。 [10:47]

When we talk about change in the exchange rate regime, or revaluation of the renminbi, we have to ask questions like what impacts these measures will have on China's economy and Chinese enterprises, and what impacts they will have on our neighbouring countries and other countries in the world. On these issues, no agreement has been reached.

[温家宝]:坦率地说,有些人强烈要求人民币升值,但并没有完全弄懂人民币升值以后会出现的问题。我们是一个负责任的国家,对于人民币升值和汇率体制的形成,我们不仅要考虑本国的利益,而且要考虑对周边国家和世界的影响。 [10:48]

Frankly speaking, many of the people who have been strongly urging the revaluation of the renminbi haven't given much thought to the problems that would arrive from doing so. China is a responsible country. When we decide upon the revaluation of our currency, or reforming our exchange rate regime, we must take into consideration not only our domestic interests, but also possible impacts on neighbouring countries and the world.


案?这可能是一个出其不意的事情。 [10:48]

Finally, let me say that work related to exchange rate reform is in

progress. Regarding the timing of the reforms and measures to be

adopted, maybe they will come around unexpectedly.




根源,哪些是最需要迫切解决的?谢谢您。 [10:51]

China Central Television: You have spoken on many occasions that the

economic priority for 2005 is to further promote reform and you have

called this year "a year of reform." In your report on the government's

work, you emphasize that the task for this year is to deepen reform

unswervingly, and to remove the structural integument to economic

growth. Then in your view, what are the most urgent issues to be

addressed this year?


不健康、不稳定的因素,巩固宏观调控的成果,要靠改革。 [10:52]

Wen: Right, I have said on many occasions that this year is "a year of

reform." I said so for three reasons: First, to eliminate the

destabilizing and unhealthy factors in the economy and to solidify the

achievements of macro regulations will have to rely on reform.




。 [10:53]

Second, to address the deeply rooted problems in the economy and

achieve a restructured transformation of the economic growth pattern

will rely on reform.

Third, to realize social fairness and justice and build a harmonious

society will also have to rely on reform.

Reform is not a task for any single year. It is going to be a long-term

task. And, in many cases with regard to reform, "sooner is better than

later." Otherwise the problems will become too entrenched to unravel.


,转变政府职能。 [10:55]

For this year, there are five priorities in our reform.

First, to restructure government bodies and to transform the functions

of the government.

[温家宝]:第二,推进国有企业的改革,主要是实行公司治理结构的改造和股份制。第三,推进金融改革。这是中国经济当中的一个十分重要,而且问题较多的环节,要下大力气。 [10:55]

Second, to promote State-owned enterprise reform, focusing on corporate governance and share-holding systems.

Third, to promote financial reform, which is a critical and often problematic aspect of our economy and requires great efforts from us.

[温家宝]:第四,以税费改革为核心的农村改革,主要是解决农村上层建筑不适应经济基础的某些环节。第五,社会保障制度改革。 加快建立适合中国国情的社保体系,今年不仅是改革年,确切说是改革攻坚年。 [10:58]

Fourth, rural reform. Centring on reform of the rural taxes and administrative fees, the purpose is to change those elements in the superstructure in the rural area that are no longer consistent with the economic phase. And fifth, social security reform. We must step up the development of a social security system that is suitable for China's reality. This is a year of reform, but it is not only so. It is a year we are going to fight the toughest battle in the reform process.

[香港明报记者]:中央一直希望香港稳定、繁荣,当前香港的经济已经转好了,社会已经稳定了,为什么中央现在会接受董建华先生的辞职呢?你对代理特首曾荫权有什么期望? [10:59]

Ming Pao: The central government has all along hoped for stability and prosperity in Hong Kong. Now that the economy has picked up, society has been stabilized in Hong Kong. Why, at this moment, has the central government accepted the resignation of Mr Tung Chee-hwa? What are your expectations of the Acting Chief Executive Mr Donald Tsang?

[温家宝]:谢谢香港明报记者。董先生辞职是香港同胞十分关注的一件事情。 [10:59]

Wen: I would like to thank you for your question. The resignation of Mr Tung Chee-hwa has been the focus of attention among compatriots in Hong Kong.

[温家宝]:正如你所说的,香港回归7年多,一国两制的方针在香港得到了切实地落实。香港的资本主义制度没有改变,香港的法律基本没变,香港人的生活方式也没有改变。 [11:00]

As you said, in the past more than seven years since China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, the principle of "one country, two systems" has been implemented in real earnest. The capitalist system in Hong Kong has not changed, the law in Hong Kong has basically been intact, and the way of life there has been the same.

[温家宝]:特别是要看到,香港克服了亚洲金融风波带来的困难,经济开始复苏,民生得到改善。 [11:01]

In particular, I wish to point out that Hong Kong has overcome the difficulties brought about by the financial crisis and achieved economic recovery and a higher living standard for its people.

遥远的可可西里 发表于 2008-3-18 23:34

[温家宝]:在这种情况下,董先生出于健康的原因提出辞职,我认为是诚心诚意的,是会得到香港同胞的理解,也会得到中央的尊重的。 [11:01]

Mr Tung has resigned for health reasons. I believe he has been sincere and he will win the understanding of people in Hong Kong and respect of the central government.

[温家宝]:7年来,董先生为了贯彻一国两制的方针和《基本法》,保持香港的繁荣稳定,做了大量的、开创性的工作。董先生勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、敢于承担,表现出对国家、对香港高度负责的精神。 [11:02]

In the past seven years, Mr Tung has done tremendous and creative work for the implementation of the principle of "one country, two systems," the Basic Law and for continuing the prosperity and stability in Hong Kong. He is hard-working, he has few complaints and he has the courage to take responsibility. He has demonstrated in his work a strong sense of responsibility to compatriots in Hong Kong and to the country.

[温家宝]:他在担任特首这7年当中所作出的努力和贡献,历史会有公正的结论的,香港同胞也不会忘记。 [11:02]

I believe history will treat him fairly for his efforts and contributions. I believe compatriots in Hong Kong shall never forget what he has done.

[温家宝]:至于董先生辞职以后新的特首的产生,那将完全按照香港基本法和有关法律办事。但是,我相信港人是有能力治理好香港的。 [11:04]

After his resignation, the election of the new chief executive will proceed in strict accordance with the Basic Law and other laws in Hong Kong. I believe people in Hong Kong are fully capable of running Hong Kong well.

[温家宝]:中央对香港的"一国两制"、"港人治港"、高度自治的方针是坚定不移的。会严格按基本法的规定办事。 [11:04]

The central government is steadfast on the principle of "one country, two systems," Hong Kong people administrating Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy. We will strictly follow the Basic Law.

[温家宝]:在这个时候,我只是希望香港同胞要和衷共济、共谋发展,把香港的各项工作做好,使香港更加繁荣和稳定。 [11:04]

At this moment I hope our compatriots in Hong Kong will work together with one accord for better development and I hope they will do an even better job for continuing the prosperity and stability in Hong Kong.

[俄通社塔斯社记者]:温总理您好,我是塔斯社记者。听说今年下半年您要和俄罗斯总理进行谈判,请问中俄经贸合作,比如说在能源方面有什么前景?谢谢。 [11:07]

ITAR-TASS: In the latter half of this year you are going to meet the Russian prime minister. Could you brief us on the latest development in economic co-operation and trade between China and Russia, especially in the energy sector? Any programmes?

[温家宝]:中俄两国是有4000多公里边境线的友好邻邦。这些年来,中俄两国的关系处在历史上最好的时期。去年,我们确立了中俄战略协作伙伴关系的基本原则。制定了中俄睦邻友好条约的实施规划。提出了中俄经贸关系2004年突破200亿美元的目标,到2010年达到600亿-800亿美元的目标。 [11:10]

Wen: China and Russia are friendly countries toward each other, sharing a border of 4,000 kilometres long. Over the years, the relationship between the two countries has grown better than ever before. Last year, the two countries identified principles for developing a strategic partnership of co-ordination. We worked out programmes on the implementation of the Sino-Russian Treaty on Good-Neighbourliness, Friendship and Co-operation, and set a goal for US$20 billion in trade by the end of this year. And this volume is to be further increased to between US$60-80 billion by 2010. China and Russia have solved a historical legacy on the boundary issue, laying a solid foundation for greater development of bilateral ties in the future.

[温家宝]:去年,我们确立了中俄战略协作伙伴关系的基本原则。制定了中俄睦邻友好条约的实施规划。提出了中俄经贸关系2004年突破200亿美元的目标,到2010年达到600亿-800亿美元的目标。 [11:10]
In the latter half of this year, I am going to meet the Russian prime minister for a 10th regular meeting. We are going to discuss further issues related to economic development and trade between the two countries, in particular energy co-operation.

[温家宝]:在能源合作上,我想突出谈三点。第一点,中俄的能源合作是中俄两国友好合作关系的重要组成部分。 [11:11]

With regard to energy co-operation, I wish to make three points.

First, energy co-operation between China and Russia is an important component to the overall friendly relationship between the two countries.

[温家宝]:第二,中俄的能源合作是平等互利的。 第三,在能源合作上,我们已经达成了一些重要的共识。譬如说,1,通过陆上铁路,加大俄罗斯对中国石油的出口。2004年是900万吨,2005年达到1000万吨,明年将达到1500万吨。 [11:12]

Second, energy co-operation between our two countries is based on equality and mutual benefit.

Third, there are already important agreements concerning energy co-operation. We have agreed to increase Russian oil exports to China through use of railways. The targets are 9 million tons for 2004, 10 million tons for 2005 and 15 million tons for next year.

[温家宝]:2,俄罗斯政府,普京总统明确提出,修建西伯利亚油气管道,首先考虑通往中国。3,两国将在油气勘探与开发上加强合作。除此之外,我们还要在其他经济贸易上加强合作。 [11:13]

The Russian Government and President Putin have made it very clear that preference will be given to China when they build the Siberian oil gas pipeline. We have also targeted the possibility of co-operation in oil and gas development. In addition, efforts have been made in other areas of economic co-operation and trade.

[日本朝日新闻记者]:温总理,您好。我有两个问题,第一是关于中日关系的。总理刚才回答俄罗斯记者提问时说,中俄关系是历史上最好的时期。虽然中日两国之间人员交流、贸易量不断扩大,但有人说,中日关系先是"政治冷,经济热",现在是"政治冷,经济也冷",温总理怎么看待这个情况?中方对日方的期待是什么?中国将如何解决这个问题? [11:19]

Asahi Shimbun: I have two questions. The first is about relations between China and Japan. When you answered the question asked by the Russian reporter, you described the relationship between China and Russia as better than ever in history. But talking about relations between China and Japan, despite the ever-expanding personnel exchanges and trade, people usually characterize our political relationship as cold, while the economic relationship is seen as hot. But recently the situation has changed to one where the political relationship is cold and even economic ties have cooled. What is your comment on such a situation? Moreover, what does China expect from Japan in order to solve these problems?

[日本朝日新闻记者]:第二个是关于能源和环境的问题。现在中国的快速发展给世界其他国家带来了很好的机会,这是我们的共识。但是能源的效率和环境的情况,其他国家特别是我们日本比较担心,总理认为应怎么解决能源效率和环境保护的问题? [11:19]

My second question is about energy and the environment. The rapid development of China has brought about good opportunities to other countries, especially the neighbours. We are glad about it. However, there is also the question of sustainability of energy supplies and the environment. This is a particular concern for China's neighbours. What measures are you going to adopt to solve these problems?

[温家宝]:中日关系是最重要的双边关系,我们高兴地看到,中日邦交正常化以来,中日关系有了很大的发展,去年双边贸易额接近1700亿美元。双方的人员往来超过400万人。正如记者女士所讲的,中日关系也存在着障碍,这种障碍主要是在政治方面,其根本问题是日本方面如何正确对待历史问题。 [11:20]

Wen: The relationship with Japan is one of the most important bilateral relationships for China. We are pleased to see that after normalization of ties, the relationship between China and Japan has enjoyed tremendous development. Last year, our trade approached US$170 billion. People travelling back and forth between the two countries exceeded 4 million. But as you said, there are obstacles to this relationship, especially in the political field. The fundamental problem is that Japan should correctly view history.

[温家宝]:我想借这个机会提出加强和改善中日关系的三点原则。中日关系要在恪守中日邦交正常化时的三个文件的基础上,遵守以下三个原则。 [11:21]

I would like to use this opportunity to propose three principles in order to strengthen and improve relations between China and Japan. In addition to the three documents governing the normalization of relations between the two countries, I believe our relationship should also follow the three principles I am going to elaborate.

[温家宝]:第一,以史为鉴,面向未来。今年是中国人民抗日战争取得胜利60周年,纪念这段历史,可以使我们回忆起战争给中国人民、亚洲人民以至日本人民带来的苦难。我们希望日本方面也要把握这个机遇,促进中日的友好。 [11:21]

First, take history as a mirror and face forward to the future. This year marks the 60th anniversary of China's victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan (1937-45). This part of history reminds us of the untold sufferings the war brought to the people in China, in Asia and also in Japan. We hope Japan will seize this opportunity in order to promote friendship between China and Japan.

[温家宝]:第二,坚持一个中国原则。日美安全同盟是日美双方的事情,中国之所以关心就是因为它涉及了台湾的问题,而台湾问题是中国的内政,不允许任何国家直接地或间接地予以干预。 [11:22]

Second, Japan should stick to the one-China principle. The security alliance between Japan and the United States is a bilateral matter between these two countries. Yet we are concerned in China because it is related to the question of Taiwan. The question of Taiwan is China's internal affair and it brooks no direct or indirect interference by any foreign forces.

[温家宝]:第三,加强合作,共同发展。中日友好合作有很大的潜力,特别是在经贸方面,我们的目标是实现两国的共同发展。 [11:22]

Third, we should strengthen co-operation for common development.

Friendly co-operation between China and Japan has tremendous potential, especially in the fields of economic co-operation and trade. Our purpose of promoting such co-operation is for shared development.

遥远的可可西里 发表于 2008-3-18 23:35

[温家宝]:为此,我还想提出三点建议。第一,积极创造条件,促进中日高层的互访。第二,由双边的外交部门共同着手进行加强中日友好的战略性研究。第三,妥善处理历史遗留问题。 [11:23]

In addition, I also wish to make three suggestions. First, conditions should be created in order to promote high-level exchanges and visits. Second, the foreign ministries of the two countries should work together to launch strategic studies concerning ways and means to promote friendship between the two countries. And, third, the historical issue should be appropriately handled.

[姜恩柱]:记者会已经进行了75分钟,刚才跟总理商量,为了使更多的记者有提问机会,温总理同意再延长20分钟,希望提问的记者只提一个问题。 [11:27]

[人民日报记者]:尊敬的温总理,您好,您辛苦了。我是人民日报记者。我想问一个有关"三农"的问题。因为这也是您一直关注的问题。我注意到,您在今年的政府工作报告中指出,解决"三农"问题,仍然是全部工作的重中之重,并提出了明年全部取消农业税等具体措施。因为人民日报每天都有涉及到"三农"问题的报道,有时间您可以上去看看。我想问您的问题是,您认为怎样才能根本解决"三农"问题?您有什么长远的打算?谢谢。 [11:27]

People's Daily: My question is about agriculture, rural areas and farmers. I have noticed that in your report on the government's work, you said these three issues remain top priorities in all your work. And you have proposed specific measures to address these issues, including abolishing agricultural taxes by the end of next year. What do you think is the fundamental solution to these problems and the long-term plan?

[温家宝]:谢谢你。我想起了诺贝尔奖金获得者,一位经济学家叫舒尔茨的一句话,他说世界大多数是贫困人口,如果你懂得了穷人的经济学,那么你就会懂得经济学当中许多重要的原理。 [11:29]

Wen: Thank you. Your question has reminded me of remarks made by Nobel laureate economist Theodore Schultz. He said most of the people in the world are poor. So if we knew the economics of the poor, we would know much of the economics that really matter.

[温家宝]:世界大多数贫穷人当中,又主要是以农业为生计的。如果你懂得了农业,那你就真正懂得了穷人的经济学。我不是经济学家,但我深知农业、农民和农村问题在中国的极端重要性。 [11:30]

Most of the world's poor people earn their living from agriculture. So if we knew the economics of agriculture, we would know much of the economics of being poor. I am no economist, but I am deeply aware of the paramount importance of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China.

[温家宝]:没有农村的小康,就不会有全国的小康。没有农村的现代化,就不会有全国的现代化。 [11:31]

Without moderate prosperity in the countryside, there will be no moderate prosperity for the whole country. Without modernization in the countryside, there will be no modernization for the whole country.

[温家宝]:我对中国农村的改革和发展是有长远考虑的,可以划分为两个阶段。第一个阶段就是实行了家庭经营的基本经济制度,给农民以生产经营的自主权,极大地解放了农村的生产力。 [11:31]

I do have a long-term plan for rural reform and development. It has two phases. In the first phase, we introduced the basic economic system of a family contract responsibility system, which in essence was to give greater autonomy to the farmers in production and management. As a result, it has liberalized productivity in the countryside.

[温家宝]:第二个阶段就是实行工业反哺农业,城市支持农村的方式,对农民多予、少取、放活。我以为我们现在开始进入了第二个阶段。在第二个阶段我们做好四件事情。第一,推进以税费改革为主要内容的农村各项改革。第二,加强以农田水利设施和农业科技推广为主要内容的农村生产力建设。 [11:32]

In the second phase, we should make industry nurture agriculture and cities support the countryside. We should give more to, take less from and liberalize the countryside. I believe we have entered the second phase now. We must accomplish four jobs for the second phase. One is to promote rural reforms with rural tax and administrative fee reforms as the central task.

Second, we should improve productivity in the countryside by building water conservancy projects and promoting wider applications of agriculture-related science and technology.

[温家宝]:第三,发展农村的教育、科技、文化等各项社会事业。第四,推进以村民自治、村级直接选举和县、乡两级政务公开为主要的基层民主建设。 [11:33]

Third, we should develop education, science, technology, culture and other social undertakings in the countryside.

Fourth, we should promote primary-level democracy by ways of self-governance among villagers, direct elections at the village level and greater transparency in government affairs at the county and township levels.

[美国有线电视新闻网记者]:我想问一个关于反分裂国家法的问题。根据这部法律,中国有权采取非和平的方式,您能不能向我们解释一下什么样的方式就算是非和平的方式呢?如果中国遇到了一个范围更为广阔的冲突,美国也参加进来了,在这种情况下,中国是不是要建设一支能够打得赢的军队,就像您在政府工作报告中所讲的那样。 [11:37]

CNN: The question I would ask is about the Anti-Secession Law. In the legislation you stated what you would call China's right to use non-peaceful means against Taiwan. Could you clarify what those means could be? And if there is a conflict, a broader conflict with the United States, could China build an army that could win any war it has to fight, as you stated in your address to the NPC?

[温家宝]:谢谢你的提问。首先我还是想说明这是一部什么样的法律。这不是针对台湾人民的一部法律,而是反对和遏制"台独"势力的法律;这不是一部战争的法律,而是和平统一国家的法律;这不是一部改变两岸同属一个中国现状的法律,而是有利于台海地区和平和稳定的法律。 [11:37]

Wen: First of all, let me explain again what kind of law the Anti-Secession Law is. It is by no means promulgated against the people in Taiwan. It is to oppose and check Taiwan Independence forces. It is by no means a war bill, it is for peaceful reunification of the country. It is not aimed at changing the status quo in the Taiwan Straits, which is that both sides belong to one China. It is conducive to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits.

[温家宝]:其次,我要讲一讲台海的现状是什么,这是一个重大问题。世界上只有一个中国,尽管大陆与台湾没有实现统一,但是丝毫没有改变一个中国的现实。这就是当前台海的现状。 [11:39]

Second, let me talk about what the status quo in the Taiwan Straits is, which is a very important question. There is only one China in the world. Although the mainland and Taiwan have not been reunified, the fact that there is only one China has never changed even in the slightest way. That is the status quo in the Taiwan Straits.


此,只要有一线希望,我们就会尽最大的努力推进国家的和平统一。 [11:40]

Third, there are three scenarios according to the law where non-peaceful means will be executed. These three scenarios are the last thing we wish to see. So long as there is a ray of hope, we will do our utmost to promote a peaceful reunification.

[温家宝]:我们之所以制定这个法,是体现包括2300万台湾同胞在内的全中国人民维护国家统一和领土完整、反对把台湾从中国分裂出去的意志。 [11:41]

We have enacted this law to give expression of the will of the entire Chinese people, including the 23 million compatriots in Taiwan, their will to safeguard national unity and territorial integrity and oppose secession of Taiwan from the country.

[温家宝]:记者先生,你可以翻开1861年贵国制定的两部反分裂法,不也是同样的内容吗?而且随后就发生了南北战争。我们不愿意出现这种情况,我们不愿意出现这种情况。中国有一句古话,"一尺布,尚可缝;一斗粟,尚可舂。"同胞兄弟何不容? [11:44]

If you care to read two anti-secession resolutions adopted in the United States around 1861, you will find that they are very similar to each other. In the United States, the civil war broke out soon after. But we here do not wish to see such a situation. In China, there is an ancient saying: "Even a foot of cloth can be stitched up; even a kilo of millet can be ground. How can two blood brothers not make up?"

遥远的可可西里 发表于 2008-3-18 23:35

[温家宝]:台湾同胞是我们的骨肉兄弟,我们希望全体台湾同胞能够理解我们的立法用意,也希望全世界坚持一个中国原则,关心台海局势和平与稳定的国家和人民能够理解和支持这部法律。 [11:44]

The compatriots in Taiwan are our own brothers. We hope all the compatriots in Taiwan will understand the intention of the legislation. We also hope that all countries and people in the world who uphold the one-China principle and care for peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits will understand and support this law.

是自卫的国防的方针,中国的军事力量如果和贵国比起来,特别是从军费比起来,那简直相差很远,这里不需要我列举数字。我只想说明一个事实,就是近百年来,中国人总是受人欺辱的,至今中国没有派过一兵一卒去占领任何国家一寸土地。 [11:44]

You also asked about the increase in China's military strength. Let me spend a few minutes on this. China pursues a defensive national defence policy. China's military strength, if compared to that of your country, especially in terms of military expenditure, is left far behind. I don't think I still have to cite any figures here. In the recent hundred of years, China was subjected to bullying and humiliation. Yet till now our country has never sent a single soldier abroad to occupy an inch of foreign land.

[温家宝]:解决台湾的问题纯属中国的内政,不容外国干涉。我们不希望外国干涉,但是也不怕外国干涉!(掌声) [11:45]

Taiwan is completely China's internal affairs. It brooks no interference from any foreign country. We do not want foreign interference. Yet we are not afraid of any.

[姜恩柱]:为了使更多的记者能有机会提问,温总理同意再回答三个问题。 [11:49]

[印度报业托拉斯记者]:下个月印度和中国就要庆祝两国建交55周年了。您如何看待印中双边关系的前景?印度和中国是不是能够成为好朋友、好邻居? [11:50]

Press Trust of India: India and China will see the 55th anniversary of their establishment of a diplomatic relationship next month. How do you see the prospects of this bilateral relationship? Can we be good friends and good neighbours?

[温家宝]:我希望中印建交55周年,成为中印友好合作的新起点。近年来,中印两国关系的发展进入了一个新的阶段。 [11:50]

Wen: I hope the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and India will become a new point of departure for deeper friendship and better co-operation between the two countries. I believe that our relationship has already entered a new developmental stage.

[温家宝]:不久我将去印度访问,着重要在三个问题上达成共识。 [11:50]

Soon I will pay a visit to India. The focus of my visit will be to achieve agreement on three important issues.

[温家宝]:第一,要充分从战略和全局上认识中印友好的重大意义。两个国家的人口加在一起25亿,超过世界人口的40%。中印友好在亚洲以至世界产生的意义不可估量。 [11:51]

One is to come to grips with the importance of friendship between China and India from a strategic and comprehensive perspective. Because our combined population is 2.5 billion, more than 40 per cent of the world total, the importance of friendship between China and India is immeasurable for Asian countries as well as for the world.

[温家宝]:第二,挖掘潜力,扩大合作,共同发展。目前,中印贸易虽然只有136亿美元,但是中印经济合作的潜力巨大。 [11:52]

Second, there is tremendous potential to be tapped into between our two countries. Therefore we should strengthen co-operation and strive for common development. Although trade between our two countries was only about US$13.6 billion last year, there is tremendous potential for further growth.

[温家宝]:第三,我们要确立解决历史遗留下来的边境问题的原则。坚持平等协商、互谅互让,既尊重历史,又照顾现实,实现公平、合理、双方都能够接受的方案。 [11:52]

Third, our two countries should set down principles for solving the historical boundary issues. A fair and reasonable solution that is acceptable to both sides should be found on the basis of equal consultation, mutual understanding and mutual accommodation with respect for history and accommodation of reality.

[温家宝]:请记者先生告诉伟大的印度人民,中印两国不是竞争的对手,而是朋友。我想用一段印度的古诗来结束我的话,三千年前,印度有一篇著名的古诗叫《奥义书》,可能是梵文,我把它演绎了一下:愿我们同受庇佑,愿我们同受保护,愿我们共同努力,愿我们文化辉煌。不要仇恨,永远和平、和平、和平。(掌声) [11:54]

I wish to ask this reporter to send my message back to the Indian people that China and India are not competitors, we are friends. I wish to conclude by quoting from an ancient Indian scripture, probably written more than 3,000 years ago in Sanskrit, that is in the title of

"Upanisad." It is to the effect: "May He protect us both together. May He nourish us both together. May we work conjointly with great energy. May our study be vigorous and effective. May we not hate anyone. Let there be peace, let there be peace, let there be peace."

遥远的可可西里 发表于 2008-3-18 23:35

[德国商报记者]:在上周人大开会时曾经就死刑问题进行过讨论,据说在贵政府内对这个问题的争论也是很激烈的,大家在问死刑是不是还有用?请问您的政府是不是有计划取消死刑?如果是的话,打算在什么时候取消?会是在奥运会召开之前吗? [11:58]

Handelsblatt, Germany: There has been discussion about the death penalty during the last week. It is said that there has been heated debate within the government about the question of whether the death penalty makes any sense any longer. Is your government really planning to abolish the death penalty? And, if so, when? Possibly before the Olympics?

[温家宝]:中国正在着手进行司法制度的改革,包括上收死刑的核准权到最高人民法院。但是出于我们的国情,我们不能够取消死刑。世界上一半以上的国家也还都有死刑制度,但是我们将用制度来保证死刑判决的慎重和公正。 [11:59]

Wen: China is reforming its judicial system, including taking the right to review death penalty to the Supreme People's Court. However, given our national condition, we will not abolish the death penalty.In over half of the countries in the world, the death penalty still exists.

However, what we are doing is to institute an effective system in China to ensure prudence and justice when the death penalty is given.

[经济日报记者]:向您提一个关于股市的问题。自从去年国务院发布推进资本市场改革和发展的决定,就是我们所说的国九条以来。虽然有关部门采取了很多有力的措施,但是市场反应比较冷淡,股价下跌得比较厉害,很多股民身套其中。我们想请总理回答一个问题,我们政府采取有力的措施,改变目前股市的现状,您认为广大股民对今年的股市应该有什么样的期待?谢谢总理。 [12:01]

Economic Daily: The State Council has issued a nine-point guideline on reform, opening-up and stable development of the capital market. Despite this issue, the stock market has been haunted and the prices of stocks have continued plummeting. Many investors have been trapped in the stock market. Will the government take strong measures to revert such a situation? What expectations do you think investors can have of the stock market?

[温家宝]:你这个问题可能是互联网点击率最高的问题,也是全国听众比较关心的一个问题。 [12:01]

Wen: The question you just asked probably has the highest click rate on the Internet. It is also one of the biggest concerns of the people.

[温家宝]:中国的股市同中国社会主义市场经济一起开始发展。证券市场为中国的经济建设做出了重要的贡献,但是我们应当承认,由于我们的知识和经验的不足,股市制度等基础建设薄弱,市场不完善,因而造成了近些年来股市持续下跌。 [12:03]

The stock market in China has developed in tandem with the development of the socialist market economy. The securities market has made an important contribution to the economic growth of China. However, we should admit, that regarding how to establish an all-around securities market, we are not knowledgeable or experienced enough. Moreover, the infrastructure of such a market is weak and the market mechanism is imperfect. This has resulted in the plummeting of stock prices for years running.

[温家宝]:我虽然很少就股市发表意见,但我却每天关心着股市的行情。我可以向大家讲的是中国将坚持发展资本市场,扩大直接融资。对于证券市场,我们将从以下几个方面加强工作。 [12:04]

Although I seldom speak on the stock market, I am watching it every day. Let me say here, China will continue the policy of developing the capital market and increasing direct financing. We are going to take measures to strengthen work in this respect.

[温家宝]:第一,提高上市公司的质量,这是根本。 [12:04]
First, we should improve the quality of the listed companies, which, I think, is most fundamental.
[温家宝]:第二,要建立一个公开、公正、透明的证券市场。 [12:05]
Second, we should establish an open, fair and transparent securities market.
[温家宝]:第三,要加强监管,打击违法、违规行为。 [12:05]
Third, we should tighten oversight, and fight flaws and crime.
[温家宝]:第四,要加强以制度为主的证券市场的基础建设。 [12:05]
Fourth, we should enhance infrastructure for the securities market, centring on putting an appropriate system in place.
[温家宝]:第五,要保护投资者,特别是公众投资者的利益。 [12:06]
Fifth, we should protect the interests of investors, especially those non-government investors.
[温家宝]:谢谢大家,虽然每年一次,但是见面太少。 [12:06]
Thank you. Although we meet every year, it is not enough.
[姜恩柱]:非常感谢温总理,感谢大家的光临。记者招待会到此结束。 [12:07]

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